The Khmer Rouge

Survey and Response

These are the results of a survey that I gave to 15 people. It shows that this event in history is in fact not well known among the general population. It shows that a piece of history with this magnitude can be easily overlooked by many.

  1. Where are some places you know genocide occurred?

  2. Are you aware of the Cambodian genocide carried out by the Khmer Rouge?

  1. Nazi Germany- 15/15, Rwanda- 13/15, Sudan- 11/15, Darfur- 8/15, Armenia- 6/15, Cambodia- 2/15

  2. Yes- 4/15, No- 11/15


This survey truly shows how unnoticed this genocide is to the American public. When asked where there have been genocides committed, the most automatic answer is Nazi Germany, it is widely known and taught in all schools in America. Then, the less popular, but still fairly well known genocides come to mind. Rwanda, Sudan, Darfur, and Armenia are all mentioned in more that 5 cases, but off the top of the head, Cambodia was only acknowledged twice. Is there a reason why one attempt to kill off a whole population of people should go more noticed than another? 1.7 million people died in this country and only two out of fifteen people can think of it immediately?

When reminded of it and asked the next question, only two more people can finally remember this tragedy. Is it not true that people must learn about history so that it will not repeat itself? More people need to be informed of the events that took place in Cambodia from 1975-1979 because it is a unique situation; one that needs special mention for future prevention and understanding.